Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Basterds --- the inglourious band of merry men

Quentin Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds" was direct, intricate high-intensity war drama - a pure gem, right up there with the great cult classics --- Bridge on the River Kwai, Guns of Navarrone , Tora Tora Tora. The stand out feature was the clear cut editing which made such an intricate narrative easy to follow which in turn meant I could soak in every drop of the suspense and anticipation of such i high intensity War Movie completely. For me , Christoph Waltz, was amazing ,--- the dignified "fox", the silent "Jew - Hunter " , seemingly harmless , easy , courteous even amiable at times, but when he strikes, he doesn't just stop your pulse...... he jams it , he jars it - as the French dairy farmer Perrier Lapadite and the unfortunate Frau Von Hammersmark found out.
 Brad Pitt and his band of merry men , the Basterds are heroic, chivalrous, not even a trace of fear , not even so much as the blink of an eye . They are skilled, they are ferocious, and they have no mercy for the Germans coz Col. Raine dint come all this way "to teach the Nazi lessons in humanity " coz " the Nazi got no humanity ". They are out there to get those "German scalps" for a moment even striking fear in the Fuhrer himself.

As always with the deaths of infamous tyrants and terrorists, doubts , controversies, alter-stories become as much a part of their death as the death itself , so is also true for Adolf Hitler. And the genius of Tarantino has utilised this fact as a  master device to bring out a memorable masterpiece. The only character who tingled me was the innocent boy, the boy who was "just smitten " , the brave war hero who cant even enjoy his exploits as his conscience picks on him , who's seemingly so unaware of the danger and undeniable existence of conspiracies when moving in and around the German High Command , as to harbour on stupidity. For me , he is just a scapegoat needed to move the plot ahead.

All in all , it was full, serious, high quality cinema, thoroughly enjoyable as well as emotionally poking me at various parts. I am a tad disappointed at the failure of the flick to bag more academies , but Hans Landa deservedly got his share. A must watch for any war movie lover..... Go ahead and surely delight yourselves.

If this moves you to know more , check this out .....

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